A Window of Opportunity

Bethany Magazine, July 2019

Many Bethany alumni share fond memories of the years spent learning alongside classmates and professors. But all too soon comes graduation day. After that so often it can be easy to lose touch with departments and fellow alumni. It was for this reason the English Department hosted it’s first alumni luncheon this past April. 

The idea for the event was originally hatched by recent English alumnus Hannah Bockoven (’18). Upon graduation, Bockoven was hired to serve as International Student Activity Coordinator at Bethany. Her inspiration was driven by a desire to nurture a connection between the English Department and English alumni of all graduation classes. 

“Working at Bethany often gives me access to professors I hold very dear. So, I wanted to create an event that would similarly allow alumni to connect with familiar faces,” says Bockoven, “I owe so much to the English department. Their kindness and concern for their students and love of teaching and text allowed me to grow as a writer, thinker, and employee.” 

The luncheon, hosted by Alpha Rho Tau, Bethany’s chapter of Sigma Tao Delta, was held on Saturday April 27th in Honsey Hall. Despite threatened snow, a total of 25 alumni were counted in attendance. The meal served included citrus grilled chicken and breadsticks with cos cos and fresh seasonal vegetables. Dessert was strawberries with cream. As attendees dined they were treated to updates on recent English Department activities which included the chapter’s trip to the Sigma Tao Delta convention in St. Louis.  

“Lars [Johnson] told a really funny story.” Gabrielle Emmons (’17) shares, “They tried to find Mark Twain's house but ended up in a deserted parking lot in a sketchy part of town.” Emmons is set to complete her Master of Arts in History from University of Northern Iowa this December. 

Michael Lilienthal (’11) was thrilled to learn about new opportunities for current English students.  “Possibly the most impressive thing was the update about the ‘Our Barbaric Yawp’ program. I love the efforts, getting students involved, and the collaboration with other departments. I came away proud of our English Department, faculty and students, and excited to see what comes next.” Lilienthal attended Bethany Lutheran Seminary and now serves as pastor of Our Savior’s Lutheran church in Albert Lea, MN.  

Details on future English Department events are yet to be determined, but English alumni are advised to keep a look out. “I'd encourage you to make every effort to come, because it is worth it.” says Lilienthal, “I'd like to hear what you've been up to, and to encourage you in your efforts, writing, reading, or whatever!  The whole English Department - past, present, and future - wants to encourage you in that.”